A referral from our family doctor is not necessary.

We provide diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases and disorders like glaucoma, macula degeneration, diabetes retinopathy, cataract and dry eye using the latest technology within retinal photography (fundus camera), retinal scanning, OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography) and peripheral field testing (perimetry). ​

We provide:

  • Laser treatment of secondary cataract /posterior capsule thickening (YAG laser capsulotomy).
  • Treatment of increased​ ocular pressure with (SLT).
  • Dry eye treatment with temporarily/permanent tear plugs.
  • Regular monitoring of patients with diabetes and family history of glaucoma.
  • Cooperating with private health insurances for diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases.
  • Cooperating with Stavanger Øyeklinikk if necessary cataract surgery and eye lid reduction (blepharoplasty).